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It is people who shape an organization and give it a face. Mannheim Business School is no different. The management of MBS is dedicated to a tight integration of the Business School and MBS both in research and teaching. As chair holders at the University of Mannheim, they are internationally recognized experts in their fields. As the academic backbone of MBS, they are also dedicated experts on the field of management education and responsible for the strategic development of the institution and its programs.
President and Managing Director Mannheim Business School
Academic Director Mannheim Master of Accounting & Taxation (Accounting Track)
Chair of Accounting and Auditing, University of Mannheim
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Managing Director Mannheim Business School
Chair of Enterprise Systems, University of Mannheim
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Managing Director Mannheim Business School
Academic Director Specialized Master's Programs
Chair of Quantitative Marketing & Consumer Analytics, University of Mannheim
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Academic Director Executive MBA Programs
Chair of Strategic and International Management, University of Mannheim
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Academic Director Mannheim MBA
Dr. Werner Jackstädt Endowed Chair of Sales & Services Marketing, University of Mannheim
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Academic Director Mannheim Master of Accounting & Taxation (Taxation Track)
Chair of Business Administration and Taxation II, University of Mannheim
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Director Marketing & Communications
Director Degree Programs
Chief Digital Officer
Chief Market Officer
Director Alumni & Career Office (ACO)
Director Finance & Legal