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Today, most organizations consider the management of their suppliers and supply chains as a key strategic issue that requires top management attention – and highly skilled employees that can take on the expanded responsibilities to drive value in their organizations. Brush up your knowledge of the theoretical foundations and learn current best practices, techniques, and tools to generate value through strategic procurement and sourcing. The Advanced Procurement Certificate course is suitable for both experienced specialists and managers taking on responsibilities in procurement, but also procurement business partners involved in sourcing decisions.
One on-campus module
Online kickoff: March 14, 2025 (2-3 PM); Course period: April 1-3, 2025
On site, Mannheim, Germany
2,900 € (+19% VAT), Early-bird price 2,400 € (+19% VAT)
Experience in procurement, operations, logistics, marketing, supply chain, or new product development; good English language skills
Certificate awarded by Mannheim Business School
Best ranked German business school
Unique format: Cutting-edge industry practices blended with latest insights from academia
No nonsense: Deep dive into strategic procurement, sourcing, and negotiation
Excellence: Highest quality teaching at MBS standards
High intensity: Three full days on campus
Recognition: Document your professional development with a certificate from MBS and elevate your career
During the last decades, the role of the purchasing function has shifted from a clerical support role that merely drives cost savings to a truly strategic role that drives value creation and plays on the centerstage for pressing business challenges – from tackling sustainability and de-risking supply chains all the way to managing the digital transformation of business processes.
Advanced Procurement is an intensive three-day, on-campus program that focusses on the most critical aspects of modern procurement. Created from in-depth analysis of current research and practice in purchasing and supply management, this program addresses the realities of modern procurement, as well as current “hot topics”.
Brush up your theoretical knowledge (“head”), see and discuss best-practices (“hands”), and receive new ideas (“heart”) – packaged in MBS quality.
Our Endowed Chair of Procurement is one of the preeminent labs for supply management research and is dedicated to shaping the future of procurement.
The setting provides opportunities to connect, deepen, and triangulate contents learned in other trainings and to receive new, out-of-the-box impulses.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Bode is a full professor at the Business School of the University of Mannheim and holds the Endowed Chair of Procurement. He obtained his Ph.D. from WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management and his Habilitation from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. He holds a master's degree in business engineering from the University of Karlsruhe and master's degrees in industrial engineering and in management from the Grenoble Institute of Technology in France. Prior to joining the faculty in Mannheim, he served at the Department of Management and at the Center for Economic Research at Tilburg University in the Netherlands and at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics at ETH Zurich.
Teaching and research interests lie in the areas of procurement, supply chain, logistics, and operations management with a special focus on risk and disruptions, interfirm relationships, innovation and entrepreneurship, sustainability, and strategies and performance. His research in these areas has been published in multi-disciplinary management journals. Several of his studies have received awards. Prof. Bode serves as an associate editor for leading international journals and as a frequent ad-hoc reviewer for other leading journals and conferences. He is a member of the Complex Adaptive Supply Networks Research Accelerator and of the academic advisory council of the Association Supply Chain Management, Procurement and Logistics.
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