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Make the Most of the Mannheim Advantage

Lifelong learning and lifelong friends, peer-to-peer advice and hiring, our Mannheim Network promises all this and more. You do not have to wait until you graduate to benefit from the events, job offers, corporate contacts, digital directory, career development and lifelong learning resources. You have access to everything from day one of your program.

The network is run by our school, so it is based on real data and continuity. Since we keep up with our alumni and their careers, we can connect you with the best person for any question you may have. Mannheimers are active: each year, nearly 50% of our network members take part in the 100 exclusive events organized by our Alumni Relations and Career Development Office.


“When I contacted the network in the past, I got so much feedback and got in touch with people all over the world with whom I had nothing to do before. That is very valuable.”

Nils Blume, Head of Urban Infrastructure at EnBW, Mannheim Part-Time MBA Class of 2016

“When we started our MBA journey, we could understand the value of the MBS Network but now, we can fully appreciate it. The MBS Network has been an essential part of our journey. It provides ongoing support, learning opportunities, and connections that transcend our time in the classroom. On a personal level, it has given us lifelong friendships. Professionally, it's an immense resource for new business opportunities, partnerships, and insights. We consider it an indispensable part of our success. It speaks highly of Mannheim Business School that, even in times of pandemic and hard competition on the business school market, it has not diluted its prestigious 'Mannheimer for life' brand.

Dr. Benito Campos, Saribek Karapetyan and Gaurav Sinha, Co-Founders of Visual Abstract, Mannheim Part-Time MBA Class of 2020

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We decided to apply for the MBS Part-Time MBA because we believed in the power of lifelong learning and wanted to balance our existing careers with further academic and personal growth. The flexibility of the part-time program, the international reputation of Mannheim Business School, and its strong focus on entrepreneurship particularly appealed to us. Besides being home to Germany’s premier business school, Mannheim has been Germany’s hotspot for B2B startups and in some current rankings the startup climate was number one in the country, surpassing other startup hubs like Berlin and Munich. Next Mannheim is also one of the largest and best organized startup ecosystems. For the three of us, Mannheim was the natural choice.

For our application, we focused on showcasing our leadership skills, professional achievements, and motivations for wanting to do the MBA. We reached out to current participants and alumni, who were more than willing to share their experiences and provide valuable advice. Their insights helped us align our expectations and tailor our application effectively.

Our first contact with the admissions manager and the MBS team was very warm and welcoming. They seemed genuinely interested in our profiles and career aspirations. They were also transparent about the program and its rigorous demands, which gave us a clear idea of what to expect.

Receiving the acceptance notification was a thrilling moment. We felt that the MBA would open many doors for us but that it would also “close” doors in ways that we could not yet fully grasp: It would inevitably shape our path. In addition, we saw it as a validation of our hard work and potential, and it also marked the beginning of a new exciting chapter in our lives.

MBS has been incredibly successful in bringing together some of the brightest talents who are also great team players and good comrades. Walking into our class for the first time was a mix of nervousness and excitement. Seeing the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of our classmates, we knew that we were going to learn as much from them as from the program itself.

The program was filled with numerous highlights and challenges. Some highlights included working on real-world business problems, engaging in stimulating debates, and forming close bonds with our classmates. The most challenging moments were usually associated with balancing the demanding coursework with our professional responsibilities, but overcoming these hurdles was a rewarding experience in itself.

Founding our own company was something we had aspired to, and the program definitely reinforced that decision. The Mannheim startup ecosystem felt like a natural extension of the Mannheim Business School environment: MBS and the Mannheim startup ecosystem provided us with invaluable resources such as access to funding, accelerator programs and potential customers. This support system played a crucial role in getting our business off the ground.

The Mannheim Part-Time MBA has been instrumental in our professional and personal development. It not only equipped us with the tools and knowledge needed to run a successful business but also instilled a sense of resilience, strategic thinking, and ethical responsibility. It expanded our network and introduced us to diverse industries, which have been beneficial in our current roles. As #Mannheimerforlife we always had the unique opportunity to leverage Mannheim Business School’s powerful brand and network. Some of our professors still mentor us to this date, long after graduation and have been instrumental in shaping our business model.

When we started our MBA journey, we could understand the value of the MBS Network but now, we can fully appreciate it. The MBS Network has been an essential part of our journey. It provides ongoing support, learning opportunities, and connections that transcend our time in the classroom. On a personal level, it has given us lifelong friendships. Professionally, it's an immense resource for new business opportunities, partnerships, and insights. We consider it an indispensable part of our success. It speaks highly of Mannheim Business School that, even in times of pandemic and hard competition on the business school market, it has not diluted its prestigious “Mannheimer for life” brand.

“The MBS Network is a healthy blend of all the richness that you can gather in terms of diversity and experience, and that’s what makes it pretty unique.”

Arjun Kumar Rao, Chief Product Owner SAP Digital Supply Chain, Strategic Product Initiatives at SAP, Mannheim Part-Time MBA Class of 2021


The Mannheim Network forms a huge part of your MBA experience and complements the courses and workshops in your program. In our Network Clubs, Mannheimers exchange views on the latest business trends and challenges in their respective industries. Many of the network events feature MBA or EMBA alumni as speakers or panelists, all of whom you can interact with on an equal footing. There are Mannheimers in every industry, role and region of the world, and they often turn to our network when they are hiring, because they know that Mannheimers are competent professionals with the right mindset. Our regional Chapters will also make settling in a new city or country easier.

Being a Mannheimer means:

Talk to an MBS Country Ambassador

The new role MBS Country Ambassador was created to give prospects from all around the world the opportunity to easily establish a connection to the Mannheim network and get invaluable insights about the Mannheim experience from someone who has already done the journey they are about to embark on.

We aim to have a Country Ambassador for each country represented in our network: either alumni living in the country or originally from the country now living in Germany or elsewhere in Europe.



We are proud that our community is strong and connective. Whenever posting on social media, please be free to add our hashtag "MannheimerForLife" and tag Mannheim Business School.

Follow us and the hashtag to witness how it is to be a "MannheimerForLife"!

Contact Person

Antje Siebler
Admissions Manager Mannheim Part-Time MBA


Located in the heart of the German and European economy, Mannheim Business School (MBS), the umbrella organization for management education at the University of Mannheim, is considered to be one of the leading institutions of its kind in Germany and is continuously ranked as Germany’s #1.


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