12-15 months
24 months
18 months
18 months
24 months
36 months
24 months
Boost your career and get prepared for a change of function and/or industry and/or country.
Boost your career, gain leadership knowledge and skills, and (optionally) get prepared for a career change.
Boost your career, get prepared for a senior leadership role and/or for a career change.
Boost your career, get prepared for a senior leadership role and/or for a career change.
Prepare for a career as a driver of digitization in your company.
Prepare for a career as a tax advisor or auditor.
Prepare for a career as a driver of corporate transformation toward sustainable business.
31 years
30 years
40 years
40 years
27 years
24 years
30 years
6 years
7 years
15 years
15 years
3.5 years
1 year
6 years