Sie sind hier: Programme & Kurse
Today’s successful leaders need to be agile: manage high levels of complexity, guide change, create and communicate strategies, inspire and motivate people so that they can bring out the best in themselves.
Authenticity is a key ingredient in being an agile leader. Some people believe being authentic means to be weak. It is a perspective based on fear. More authenticity makes you more powerful and credible. The more authentic you are and the more aware you are of your resources and talents, the more you are able to make best use of them and lead people more effectively.
Moreover, it is actually easier to be who you really are, rather than trying to be someone you are not. We all know that wearing a mask can be very tiring in the long run as this inevitably creates an inner conflict, which will prevent us from realizing our full potential. The bottom line is that authenticity enables you to lead more effectively and to live and work more happily.
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Professional Career
Focus and Experience